The Struggle is Real -- But the Battle is Won

Dr. Willard H. Taylor said, "No matter how spiritually stable, worshipful, and prayerful God's people might be, they are never immune from attack by the wicked spiritual forces." Paul, stating this in Ephesians 6, urges his readers to be prepared for these attacks. We might not be able to keep them from coming, but Jesus can keep them from prevailing. You see, He's already won. Jesus not only knows the tactics the enemy uses, but He's defeated them all through His death and resurrection. And guess what else? He's prepared and equipped His people to fight this spiritual battle. He's ready to help the moment we call His name. Read Ephesians 6. Call upon His name. Resist the enemy and he will flee from you. Surround yourself with believers who fight alongside you. If you've never discussed what this spiritual battle looks like, or what the armor of God looks like for us today, reach out to another believer and do just that. We are stronger together,...