Taste and See

 "Taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed are those who trust in him!" Psalm 34:8 

One way to interpret "taste" is to take notice. Take a moment and take notice of how good God is. 

Go ahead, pause what you are doing and just sit for a moment. The work can wait. The reply can wait. The next scroll can wait. That thing, whatever it may be, can wait. 
It can wait so that the goodness of God can be noticed. Noticed and then received. Received and then used to bless. Used to comfort you in the middle of whatever it is you are doing. 

You are seen by God. You are loved by God. You are saved by God. You are welcomed by God. You are made whole by God. You are heard by God. You are blessed by God. You are healed by God. You are chosen by God. You are noticed by God. 

Notice Him and His goodness for a moment. Sit and dwell in that goodness...for just a moment longer. Receive. Trust in Him. Take refuge in Him. Taste and see that He is good.


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