The Best There Is

I love to watch " The Chosen ." The series does a remarkable job of portraying the emotions and nuances behind the passages that we (sometimes flatly) read in Scripture. Season 1, episode 5 of the series portrays the Wedding at Cana found in John chapter 2 . Some of the noteworthy moments of that episode: Two people are scrambling to figure out what to do when they quickly realize they will soon run out of wine. I have to admit, I laughed out loud when one of the men says to the servants: "Pour them a glass and tell them you will come back to refill it later. But guess what? YOU WON'T!" "Another option", he says, "is to serve extra date cakes, to make the guests thirst for water. It may come down to having to dilute the wine, which will be quite noticeable, and whispers will quickly spread." " It's all gone, not a drop left. " This is the cry of Mary, mother of Jesus, as she pleads for Jesus to fix it. Have you been there? Ha...