The Best There Is


I love to watch "The Chosen." The series does a remarkable job of portraying the emotions and nuances behind the passages that we (sometimes flatly) read in Scripture. Season 1, episode 5 of the series portrays the Wedding at Cana found in John chapter 2
. Some of the noteworthy moments of that episode:

Two people are scrambling to figure out what to do when they quickly realize they will soon run out of wine. I have to admit, I laughed out loud when one of the men says to the servants: "Pour them a glass and tell them you will come back to refill it later. But guess what? YOU WON'T!" 

"Another option", he says, "is to serve extra date cakes, to make the guests thirst for water. It may come down to having to dilute the wine, which will be quite noticeable, and whispers will quickly spread."
"It's all gone, not a drop left." This is the cry of Mary, mother of Jesus, as she pleads for Jesus to fix it.

Have you been there? Have you felt like there wasn't a drop left? You were more options. Time is running out, people are asking questions, you're getting nervous because you don't know what to tell them. You're starting to feel hopeless. What will you do now?

Isn't it just like Jesus to take what seems hopeless --  He brings hope. 
Isn't it just like Jesus to take what seems lifeless -- He brings life.
Isn't it just like Jesus to take what seems empty -- He fills it to the brim.
Isn't it just like Jesus to take what seems to fall short -- He provides an abundance.

Friends, Jesus came to give life -- abundant life, life to the full. In him we find the fullness of joy, love, celebration, life, light, peace -- and an abundance of it! We are given the invitation to participate in the celebration of the Kingdom of God that has come and is coming

Because of the presence of Jesus in our lives, we can trust in his perfect abundance. We can trust in his goodness. We can trust in his timing. We can trust in his provision. We can trust in his power. We can trust that in him, we will find what our souls long for! He gives us what we need, and he continues to give even more. 

Near the end of the episode, I tear up at the scene when the master of the banquet announces, "You have chosen now, to serve the best wine I have ever tasted!" In Christ alone, we find what our soul longs for -- and it's the absolute best there is. Thanks be to God!


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