Lessons in the Wilderness - Part 12

Luke 13:18-21

While this passage is short and sweet, it serves as a powerful illustration and reminder for us. Jesus' ministry was the beginning of something new. This was a new beginning of God's Kingdom. The rebuilding of God's Kingdom didn't come in the way most expected it to -- full of power and wealth and overthrowing the current power. It began with Jesus' humility and service. And that was only the beginning. 

Like the tiny mustard seed or the spoonful of yeast, God's kingdom would continue to grow. Millions would be added to the story and participate in the narrative. This would be difficult to imagine if you were in Jesus' time, only hearing about these things, not yet seeing them. And even though we only get a small glimpse, we see how the Church and the Kingdom have grown since it began. 

What a beautiful sight it will be to see this come to fruition in Heaven! The next time you feel alone or feel as though you can't possibly see any growth, remember: It began as small as a mustard seed and continues to grow. Let us remain faithful in our calling to be Kingdom citizens, pointing toward the Kingdom of God. 


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