Lessons in the Wilderness - Part 14

Joshua 4:14-24

You might read this passage and wonder, "Where I have I read this before?" or, "Didn't I read this already?" I love that what God did for Moses, He did again for Joshua. God can part the waters in our lives not once, but as many times as He needs to. We serve a God who moves mountains for us -- and He can do it again. We serve a God that can part the waters for us -- and He can do it again.

My favorite verse in this passage is the second part of verse 18: "No sooner had they set their feet on the dry ground than the waters of the Jordan returned to their place and ran at flood stage as before." Isn't that just like God? This verse reminds me not to be too quick to call "coincidence." We don't serve a God of coincidence -- we serve a God of intentionality. There is intention behind all that He does. When those waters came crashing back down, at flood stage, that was a reminder to the people as if God was saying: "I've parted these waters before and I can part them again. I did this for you. Remember my might, remember my power, and remember that when the hard days come again."

Then I love how they had collected stones from the Jordan as they were passing through. Can you imagine? Walking through an ocean on dry ground, picking up what's on the ocean floor as you walk right by it? I love that Joshua set up these stones, from the ground of the Jordan, to remember what God had done. We could learn a thing or two from this, as we tend to quickly forget what God has done for us.

What waters do you need to miraculously cross? Do you believe that God will part them at just the right time for just the right amount of time? What stones should you build to remind yourself what God has done for you?


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