Lessons in the Wilderness - Part 2

Psalm 91:1-2 (NLT) 
"Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him." 

I often think of my home as my safe place. I know I'm not the only one, right? No matter what I face during the day, no matter what I face during each week, I go home to my safe place. There, I rest with my people––my husband and my kids. We watch a movie, we make cookies, we play games, or we simply just enjoy each others company. It doesn't matter how awful my day is––rest at home, in my safe place, with my people, always makes me feel better. Home is my shelter when I've experienced a storm, it's a laugh when I am sad, it's a safe space when I need to vent.

As safe and as wonderful as my home is for me, I can't help but think of how much safer it is to be in the shelter of the Most High God. Because while my home is all the good things, it is still compromised, as it consists of four human beings who are capable of hurting one another and letting each other down. Not to mention, where does one go when their safe place might just be the reason they are hurting or having a hard time? What about all the people who do not have a safe place like the one I have just desribed?

Resting in the shelter of our Lord and Savior is the safest place –– it's the one place that will never be compromised, will never cause more pain, and will never not be enough. It's where we will always be reminded of our worth. It's where we will always be reminded that we are loved. It's where we will always be reminded that we are redeemed. It's where we will be reminded that through the strength and power of Christ, we are strong. It's a pretty great place to be. When I find myself seeking refuge in the Shelter of my Lord, I always feel rested, I always feel loved, and I always feel safe. He is my ultimate refuge. He is my true comfort and peace. He is my God, and I trust Him. 

Have you found refuge in the safest of safe places? Have you found rest in the most restful place? Have you put your trust in the one who is most trustworthy? Spend some time in the shelter of the Lord God during this season of Lent. It's a safe place, a restful place, and it will be everything you've been looking for.


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