Lessons in the Wilderness - Part 3

Exodus 6:1-13

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is Moses and the burning bush. I have taken a liking to the story of Moses since I was a kid, especially after The Prince of Egypt came out. (Where my 90s kids at?) There's something so incredible about how Moses received his calling while in the wilderness. He had just run away from his life as a Hebrew turned Prince, and had escaped all he had ever known. There, in the quiet of the wilderness, after starting his new life, he received his calling. Even though he questioned his qualifications the Lord had clearly spoken to Moses about what he was to do. God answered, "I will be with you." 

Fast forward to Exodus Chapter 6. Or maybe first the end of Chapter 5...you with me? Moses has a hard conversation with God, that probably looks similar to conversations we have all had with God. Perhaps we have found ourselves saying things like, "Lord, why are you letting this happen? Why did you let this happen? Things seem to be worse now than they were before. Why did you call me? What are you doing, Lord?" These aren't easy questions to ask, but we have likely found ourselves asking questions like these.

Moses was questioning what he hadn't yet seen. God had yet to do what He said He would do. We have moments where we quickly forget God's power, don't we? We have moments where we quickly forget God's knowledge and God's omniscience. Our finite minds cannot comprehend God's omnipotence. Therefore, when Moses didn't see what he was waiting to see, what he was supposed to see, he questioned. While we can certainly relate to Moses, there is something for us to learn. God accomplished what He said He would do, just like He always does.

Take notice of some of the things God says: "I am... appeared... I reaffirmed... I promised... I have heard... I am well aware... I will free... I will rescue... I will redeem... I will claim... I will bring... I will give... I am the LORD. He knows what He has spoken, He knows what He has promised, He knows what He is doing. Do we believe these things about God? Let us continue to trust, let us continue to believe, let us continue to have faith in what we have not seen. When we might least expect it, we will be singing a song of deliverance.


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