Dear Church,

I'm not going to flood your Facebook page with my opinions, because I don't consider them to be worth all that much (and you probably don't either).
I will, however, share the truth of God's Word and I will go ahead and share biblical interpretation from a commentators understanding (who happens to have a Ph.D. in NT studies -- that's certainly worth something) I was preparing for tomorrow night's Bible study and these words made me pause.
Church, these are words spoken to us, as John was speaking to the Church in his day, reminding them of the words of Jesus. Here is Rick Williamson's interpretation of this passage and I think it's certainly worth considering:
"Jesus called DIVERSE followers and expected them to walk IN HARMONY. Matthew was a tax collector, an agent of Rome. Simon the Zealot, whose RADICAL POLITICAL LEANINGS attached to his name, resented anyone associated with Rome. What fellowship challenges did those two have? Simon Peter, when he didn't know what to do or say, blurted out something, and plunged ahead. John seemed more willing to listen and reflect. Following Jesus didn't change their personalities, but Jesus EXPECTED them to nurture their MUTUAL fellowship."
The capital words are my own emphasis, but go ahead and read them again, imagining that this is where your pastor is speaking passionately, because it's that important. Andy Stanley said it well when he said four years ago, "You're scaring the children!"
These words from Rick Williamson, in reference to John's teachings, are a reminder that Jesus has called all of us, from different walks of life and different backgrounds to follow Him and we're called to walk in UNITY! Let's do better.
Your Sister in Christ


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