Lessons From a $17 Salmon Bagel
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23
I was talking with a friend recently and she was sharing with me the burden of trying to love and parent her adult child, who typically resists and pushes away such love. One morning, while visiting New York, the family was sitting outside ordering brunch. My friend ordered a salmon bagel, and if you've ever visited New York, you wouldn't be surprised that the menu revealed that this bagel would cost $17. Delighted in finding something to be aggravated about, my friend's child said, "You're going to pay $17 for a bagel, really? That's ridiculous. I'm not ordering anything, I'm not hungry." Once the food arrived, all but one enjoyed their delicious (albeit overpriced) NY brunch. My friend had eaten half of her salmon bagel and when she couldn't eat anymore, she slid the other half across the table. Being rejected once again, my friend compassionately looked at her grown child through tear-filled eyes, trying to understand their anger and frustration. Carefully considering her response she spoke passionately: "This is a family vacation and we are trying to enjoy time together. That includes covering the cost for your meals, even if they are a little pricy. Now would you please take this bagel and just eat it and enjoy it? I bought it for you and I want you to have it."
I was nearly overcome with emotion as my sweet friend shared this story with me. Not only because my mama heart feels for her and the pain she is going through, but because I saw Jesus in that story — I saw Jesus in and through my friend. You see, we are broken people and our lives are full of sin. Knowing this about ourselves and feeling frustrated with how we live our lives at times, we feel resentful and bitter. We take our anger out on others, many times on God Himself. And yet, in the midst of it all, I am reminded of Jesus…who lovingly and compassionately looks at us, through tear-filled eyes. He stretches out his scarred hand to us and says, "Dear one, would you please receive this gift of life? Sin had a grip on you, but I paid the greatest price, and I want you to receive the gift of Life through Me. Please, don't push it away — it's yours and I want you to have it. You are more loved than you can imagine, and I long for you to know it. Would you please accept this gift?"
The gift of eternal, full, abundant life in Christ Jesus was costly — He gave His life. But He did it with you in mind, with me in mind. Even though we can hardly see past our sin, our pride, our anger, our mess, Jesus continues to extend His hand. And like a parent who loves their child and only wants what is best, He never stops pursuing, He never stops giving Himself. This is the gift being offered to you today — would you receive it? Receive and be thankful, dear child, for you are wonderfully loved.
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