Lessons in the Wilderness - Part 11

Psalm 39 

This is one of those chapters in the book of Psalms that sort of makes us scratch our heads and then turn the page to one of the more chipper chapters. However, this was a glimpse into David's heart and at times, David's reality. And if we are being honest, perhaps there have been times in life where we can relate to these words and David's context.

Have you ever found yourself frustrated with God or at God and tried to keep it to yourself? (As if He doesn't already know what we are thinking/feeling?) Try as we might, it's only a matter of time before we burst. We can only take so much and hurt, anger and frustration builds up until we can't hold it in any longer. It appears that's what happened with David here.

Perhaps today, you find yourself in the wilderness and you find yourself feeling hurt, angry or frustrated. Perhaps you want to talk to God about it, but you aren't sure how. Open up to Him. As we have established, He knows what is in our heart, and He wants us to come to Him with it all. We know that God loved David and David loved God. David, like all of us, had moments of weakness when he would struggle with his circumstances. We should know that God is big enough to handle it all -- even our anger, frustrations and hurt. He wants to take our pain and heal it. He wants to take our anger and remind us of His goodness and love. He wants to take our frustrations and remind us of His mercy.

"But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you." Psalm 39:7


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