Lessons in the Wilderness - Part 6
Philippians 3:17-20
Here we see Paul's emotional plea to the Philippian people. In verse 18 he speaks of those whose actions show that they are enemies of the cross. What does that mean, exactly? One scholar describes these people as "advocates of easy religiosity and 'cheap grace'." These are people that denied the way of the cross for they did not die to self. Dying to ourselves and our fleshly desires can be incredibly difficult. It's much easier to think about this life on earth rather than lean into the Kingdom. However, Paul quickly points out that this is in fact destructive thinking and living.
Paul shifts gears in verse 20, which happens to be the theme verse for this blog: "But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior."
Living as Kingdom citizens means leaning into a disciplined, set-apart life. One that does not look to satisfy earthly desires which often means uncomfortability. When we live as Kingdom citizens, we not only hear about the resurrection or read about the resurrection -- we get to experience the power of the resurrection first hand.
I love how the same scholar puts it: "Resurrection is not resuscitation; it is a transforming re-creation, the defeat of death, the capstone of God's saving work, the way to eternal life."
As citizens of the Kingdom, you and I get to experience a resurrection in our own lives! We live transformed lives that no longer reflect who we once were. What needs resurrected in your life today? Will you lean into Kingdom living?
Here we see Paul's emotional plea to the Philippian people. In verse 18 he speaks of those whose actions show that they are enemies of the cross. What does that mean, exactly? One scholar describes these people as "advocates of easy religiosity and 'cheap grace'." These are people that denied the way of the cross for they did not die to self. Dying to ourselves and our fleshly desires can be incredibly difficult. It's much easier to think about this life on earth rather than lean into the Kingdom. However, Paul quickly points out that this is in fact destructive thinking and living.
Paul shifts gears in verse 20, which happens to be the theme verse for this blog: "But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior."
Living as Kingdom citizens means leaning into a disciplined, set-apart life. One that does not look to satisfy earthly desires which often means uncomfortability. When we live as Kingdom citizens, we not only hear about the resurrection or read about the resurrection -- we get to experience the power of the resurrection first hand.
I love how the same scholar puts it: "Resurrection is not resuscitation; it is a transforming re-creation, the defeat of death, the capstone of God's saving work, the way to eternal life."
As citizens of the Kingdom, you and I get to experience a resurrection in our own lives! We live transformed lives that no longer reflect who we once were. What needs resurrected in your life today? Will you lean into Kingdom living?
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